showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Homeworld Sierra (Relic Entertainment)? ♫barberadagiostrings 3dstrategy afterearth cannons cdrom control-individuals controlconfig fictionaluniverse finiteresources forgottenpast formations fuel grouping guidedweapons harvesters homeworld-series humanoidprotagonist missionbased mobilebase morphos nohumans opengl recruiting repairing resourceharvesting rockets search serious space swrender titlementioned titularlocale tutorial upgrades-permanent uvl-platform-limitation voiceovers labelminimizeminimize
Weird Dreams Rainbird1989 dreamworld harmfultouch instantdeath lives moaifigures nosaves search skywhales surreal labelimagesubject
Operation Stealth  U.S. Gold;Interplay Entertainment (Delphine Software)1990 007 clickadventure earth espionage maleprotagonist search specialagentprotagonist speechsynthesis labelimagesubject
Xenomorph Pandora Software1990 aliens civilianprotagonist grenades gridmove hunger inventory pictureinpicture search solesurvivor labelimageminimize
Zombi Ubi Soft1990 bodydragging controlswitch immortals inventory mall search separatedprotagonists undeadmenace zombieapocalypse zombies labelimagesubject
Blade Warrior Image Works1991 dark demons dragons gloomy magic monsters search silhouetted skeletons stylized undead labelimagesubject
Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight Mindscape1991 adv-undefined bodyarmor chosenone difficulty-charscaling gore graphicdeaths healingitems instantkillers knights medieval meleeweapons mode-practice monsters mp-versus nohud nontolkienian obsoletedassets potions search shopping solomission splatter swords titlementioned transcendency unknownpast walking warriorprotagonist xp-undefined labelimagesubject
D/Generation Mindscape (The Software Toolworks)1992 biotechnology civilianprotagonist earth mimics search shapeshifters singapore labelimagesubject
Legends of Valour - The Dawning  U.S. Gold (Synthetic Dimensions)1993 city genderchoice hunger magic otherworld search subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Back to the Golden Age author2014 actionrpg bombs crossbows flipscreens inventory keys knights ladders magic medieval meleeweapons search shopping sorcery swords labelimageminimize